- ventilation
Every work place should have good ventilation and the source of the air should be from outside the work place. These ensures that workers breath in fresh air for their safety and health.Windows can provide ventilation but if possible mechanical should be provided and maintained where possible.
2. Temperature
Temperatures that are required for sedentary work should be 16 degrees centigrade and works that involve movement should be 13 degrees centigrade. This depends on laws of different countries.
3. Lighting
Lighting should be good enough for people to work and move a bout freely. If possible local lighting should be provided at individual work stations and at place of particular risk such as crossing points on traffic routes.
4. Cleanliness and waste materials
Every work place should be clean. Cleaning and removal of waste products should be done using effective method and any waste should be stored in a good receptacle.
5. Rooms and Dimensions
Work rooms should have enough space for free movement of workers. The volume of the room , when empty ,divided by the number of people working it should be at least 11 cubic metres. This is the minimum space per person and may be insufficient depending on the room layout.
6.Work station and seating
Work stations should be suitable for people working there and the work they do. People should be able to leave the place swiftly incase of an emergency. Seats suitable for the work that is to be done should be provided.
7. Drinking water.
Safe clean drinking water should be provided for worker in the work place. Water should be provided in reliable closed container for purposes of maintaining hygiene.
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