- Create a folder. This folder can be created on the desktop by right clicking and choosing new folder. Rename the folder or give the folder the name that you like. Everything you create pertaining web development should be save in this folder. Changing any of the items saved in this folder will make your website not to work.
- Opening the frontpage. Using the start button go to all programs, microsoft frontpage and click on it. This will open the frontpage application program. To create a web page, click on the new page icon and a new page will be displayed with the word "new-page1.htm".
- Renaming the new page you created. In this step you will rename the new page and give it a different name like index.htm and save it in the folder that you created. The page is saved from file and then save as.
- Choosing the background of your page. To choose your background colour on the file that you saved and right click in and go to page properties to set up your background colour. After setting up your background colour, save the changes that you made to the file.
- Choosing table size. Choose insert table from the' insert table' menu bar and insert the number of cells you want to appear in your table. To change table properties, you can right click on the table and modify any changes as you wish.
- modifying individual cells. To modify a cell, right click on it and choose cell properties from the dropdown menu. You can also merge cells by highlighting and then right clicking to choose merge cells. Also you can split a cell by right clicking on the cell to bring up the drop down menu.
- modifying fonts. You can also modify the font colour, size and type by highlighting the text that you want to modify.
- inserting and modifying graphics. Right click on the image that you want to insert into your document and save that picture in the folder that you created.After this click on the location where you want to insert your picture and then insert your picture from the insert menu.
- Creating hyperlinks. There are three types of hyperlinks: links to outside websites, links to other pages on your website and links to places within the same document.
To link an outside website
- highlight the text or graphic that you want to link to the outside website
- click on the hyperlink icon on the toolbar to open the' insert hyperlink'
- select the target frame button, select new window and the click ok
- in the insert hyperlink window make sure 'existing file or web page' is selected
- type in the url of the outside website in the address window and click ok and the word will be linked.
To other web pages on your document
- go to file new and select blank page from the menu that will appear.
- use the steps outlined in step 3 to name and save the page
- highlight the text you want to link to the page
- click on the hyperlink icon on the toolsbar
- make sure you choose the 'existing file or web page' icon on the hyperlink
- navigate to your folder and choose the proper .htm page then the word is linked.
Linking to a place within the same document
- click the cursor to the place which you want to navigate
- go to bookmark and click
- a bookmark window will appear and name your bookmark
- highlight the text or image from which you will like to navigate
- click on the hyperlink icon
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